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Happy Life Tips:
- Walk at least 30 minutes a day.
- Stay at least 10 minutes in a lonely place and think about yourself.
- After waking from sleep in the morning, try to stay in a natural environment and chalk out a list of whole day’s task.
- Try to eat homemade food and avoid processed food.
- Drink green tea and sufficient water.
- Try to make happy at least 3 persons.
- Don’t waste your valuable time & energy by useless talk, nostalgia and unrealistic plan.
- Take enough breakfast with full calorie , lunch somewhat light and dinner a few.
- Life does not go always same , wait for a better something in future.
- Don’t spoil your time by disliking others, practice to forgive others mistake.
- Don’t think everything in a complex way, think easy solution for all problems.
- It is not necessary to win in every debate, but may accept others word as opinion.
- Think your past in cool head, Rectify the errors & mistakes and don’t waste your present thinking your past.
- Don’t compare your life with others as you don’t aware about others journey.
- Nobody is working for your happiness. Your own work will bring happiness for you.
- Make a Plan for each 5 years and try to materialize your plan in this period.
- Help the poor’s, be a giver, not the receiver.
- What others think about you is not your concern. Do the right work at right time.
- Don’t cherish any pain in mind because in course of time all pain will be removed. So try to face the problem and share your beloved ones.
- Remember, Time is the best healer and it will change the situation.
- In your ailment, there may not be anyone near you for nursing. So keep a better relationship with the friends and relatives.
- Be careful of not repeating a mistake in future.
- Call your family often.
- Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
- Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
- No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
- When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.